Your car is probably one of the most valuable things that you own, so you want to do everything within your power to keep it safe. Whether you obtained it by purchasing it outright or you utilise bad credit car loans, your motor will be your pride and joy, but it will also be the target of potential crime. Car theft is an extremely common problem that a lot of people face, but there are steps you can take to try and prevent it from happening to you. So, keep reading and find out the best ways you can secure your car and keep car thieves away.
Park Safely
While it may not always be possible, try to park somewhere that’s busy. Car thieves are much less likely to try and steal a car that’s in a busy car park surrounded by other drivers. Thieves look for opportunity, so don’t give them it and always park somewhere your car is visible. Lone parking spaces or spaces that are partially hidden are a favourite of these criminals as they want to get the job done without being seen. So, even if you’re just popping into the shop for five minutes, don’t ever leave your car down a dark alleyway where no one is around. Make sure you park close to everyone else where all the bright lights are and there’s plenty of CCTV cameras.
Keep Your Keys Safe
Your keys are something that car thieves are always on the lookout for as they make the job of stealing your car that much easier. Never leave your keys in the ignition and always make sure you keep them on your person when out and about. It’s also smart to not leave them by your front door on a hook, as some one that’s scoping your car may spot them and decide to break in and steal them as well. Be wary of people knocking on your doors who seem suspicious as thieves will try any tactic to try and see where you keep your car keys. Try to always keep your keys under lock and key so to speak, and you’ll definitely ward off any car thieves.
Don’t Leave It Running and Unattended
It may seem obvious, but never, ever leave your car running while it’s unattended. You’re just asking for someone to steal it! Thieves love an easy crime, and you’ll be giving them just that by doing this. Even if you think that you’ll only be two seconds grabbing something from shop, that’s all it takes for someone to spot your running car and make off with it.
Always Check The Locks
The locks on your car are there for a reason, so make sure that you always use them. It’s important that you check that they work too and don’t just assume that your car is locked. While it might seem easy to just lock it on your fob while walking away, the electronics could have easily failed and then your car becomes a sitting duck for criminals. Another thing that car thieves will do is use a jammer to stop your key fob from working. While it may make the sound of it locking, it won’t actually have done it and then the thieves can jump into your car and drive off. So, no matter how many times your car has locked successfully, you should always double check it before leaving it unattended.
Don’t Leave Valuables In Sight
You’ll normally see a reminder on signs in car parks telling you to put your valuables away, and you should definitely follow that advice. Leaving things like your bag, sat nav, or even shopping can be the deciding factor into whether or not your car is chosen to be stolen. Why would thieves bother taking a car that looks like it has nothing in when there’s one sat next to it with a handbag probably full of money and a sat nav that they could sell. Don’t leave them in your car overnight either and always make sure you keep things out of sight if you’ve got no choice but to leave them.
Be Vigilant
A top tip is really just to be vigilant at all times. If you see someone acting suspicious near your car, then don’t risk it and take the appropriate action of either driving away or calling the police if something illegal starts to happen. Always be aware of your surroundings and pay attention to the people in the area. You’ll hopefully be able to keep your car out of harm’s way by always being on your toes.
Invest In Car Security Measures
Finally, try using security deterrents to really help keep your car safe. Steering wheel and handbrake locks while not so common anymore, are still great tools to use. They not only make it harder for someone to physically steal your car, but they also act as a deterrent just by being visible. It thieves want the easiest target, and if you’ve got locks and extra security on your car, then it really shouldn’t be chosen.
Keeping your car secure isn’t always easy, but there are things you can do to make sure you’re doing your best to keep it that way. Always locking your doors and checking that they’re locked is vital, as is being vigilant of your surroundings. Physical deterrents are important too, and while they may seem old school, they definitely do work. So, try utilising these top car security tips and you should be able to keep your vehicle protected from criminals.